British owe $45 Trillion to India

“India had two centuries of humiliation by the West in its predatory form it came to India in the mid-18th century. An economic study tried to estimate how much British took out of India, it ended up at a number of $45 trillion in today’s value.” 

:- S. Jaishankar (Foreign Minster of India)

Recently the Foreign Minister of India, Mr. S. Jaishankar made a press comment stating that Britishers took out $45 Trillion worth of wealth out of India during 2 centuries of colonization. He emphasized that how India was humiliated and exploited for almost two centuries by the predatory European imperial powers especially the British empire for the development of their homeland.

In the year 1765, British East India company got the Diwani Rights of the kingdom of Bengal from Shah Alam II, then Mughal emperor, after signing the Treaty of Allahabad. Under the treaty the company acquired the rights to collect taxes and revenue from the kingdom on the behalf of emperor. Since then to the date of independence the Britishers took out the Indian wealth of worth $45 Trillion out of India to fund their advancement of science and technology. In simple words, the era of European renaissance and industrialization was funded by the looted Indian wealth. 

A similar remark was made by Dr. Shashi Tharoor a few years back.

 You can listen out the original speech yourself 

Mr. S. Jaishankar has made the Indian point of view very clear in front of the western countries by putting up direct comments on controversial topics like EU's hypocrisy, India-Russia relations, Indo-US Partnership, etc. He has clearly shown that India is an independent and sovereign state and we formulate our policies according to our national interests and global welfare not for the fulfilment of western interests. 


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