End of Pax-Americana?

Pax - Americana 

' US dominance over the world '


After the end of WW2 in 1945, the USA stood as the sole superpower with unmatchable military and economic prowess. US played a central role in the formation of a new global order. It initiated the formation of critical international organizations like the United Nations, World Bank, IMF, and NATO.

 US expanded its sphere of influence by instigating the idea of a capitalist economy and Liberal Democracy all around the world. After defeating the Soviets in the ideological battle, in 1991, the USA had successfully marked its dominance over all the other nations.

But after decades of unipolar dominance, now the Americans are facing a challenge against the China-Russia Nexis. The military capabilities of Russia and the economic might of China is posing a serious threat to US-Hegemony. 

Lost control over middle-east & Oil

  1. The American consensus against Saudi prince Mohammed bin Salman over the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi has been a constraint between Biden administration and House of Saud.
  2. US has been unable to stabilize middle east and defend its allies in the region against Houthi rebels. Many Saudi nationals have been killed by Houthi missiles and THAAD was unable to shoot down the missiles.
  3. Saudi is now accepting Oil payments in Yuan also, which can be the beginning of the decline of Petro-Dollar dominance.
  4. UAE joined the chinese BRI. 
  5. UAE also cooperates with Russia to ensure its gold supply from north-African countries.
  6. US unilaterally pulled out of JCPOA, in 2018, and imposed heavy sanctions on Iran. China became the single largest oil buyer for Iran and Iran became completely dependent on China.
  7. Iran also increased its military engagement with Russia.
  8. Russian military officially entered Syria, in 2015, to support the govt. of Bashar al-Assad and prevented US from overthrowing one more regime in middle-east. US supported the Syrian rebels whereas Russia enjoys a special place in the hearts of common Syrian people.
  9. After fighting against Taliban for 20 years in Afghanistan, US finally withdrew in 2021 and within a week Taliban again took control over the whole country.
  10. In 2011, US invaded Libya and overthrew the Gaddafi regime. Since then North-Africa and Sahel region is experiencing internal conflicts and many terror outfits has risen from this region.
Conclusion: To pursue its national interest, US destabilized the whole middle east during Arab Spring. Displacing the dictators and leaving a power vacuum behind pushed the middle east into turmoil and internal conflicts. Many terror organizations like ISIS, Ansar al-Sharia, Boko Haram, Harakat Sham al-Islam, etc.

The Latin American Saga

  1. China is the main export hub of natural resources for these countries and the major supplier of consumer products. Basically, China has surpassed USA to become the largest trading partner of Latin America.
  2. China has invested $141 Billion in Latin America and, separately, sanctioned $130 billion (approx.) loan.


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