How the west is paving the way for Chinese hegemony

The creation of Anti-US blocs!
Now it is time for the US🇺🇲 to acknowledge that their economic sanctions💸 on any country do nothing more than just pushing those countries in the corner that make them more dependent on China!

Yes the era of US economic domination is over!
US sanctions are back-firing at them and their partners

→ We have witnessed many examples of this:
Russia moved in Chinese camp after US sanctions in 2014 and 2017 CAATSA sanctions.
Iran depends on China for the majority of its oil exports, after Trump cancelled the JCPOA. Iran also signed a 25 year investment agreement with China.
Saudi - Arabia declared China as their biggest export priority for next 40 years, after US withdrew its support for Saudi🇸🇦 in Yemen🇾🇪.
• Anti-American sentiments in middle-east has paved the way for Chinese footprint in there.

Now the world, actually American adversaries,  have an alternative option to US i.e. China🇨🇳
The massive forex reserves of China and its economic integration in world economy allows it to protect US aggression's victims at the same time protecting it from being a victim itself.

Fact: US was the country who pressurised the world to recognise PRC in place of Taiwan as the real China in 1972. It also encouraged China to join WTO in 2001.

And freshly the American Sanctions, the SWIFT sanctions, on Russia🇷🇺 after the Ukraine🇺🇦 invasion have made Russia almost completely dependent on China to compensate their economic losses. Definitely they had this only way to retaliate against a strong military power like Russia but these financial Nuclear bombs are beyond the limits. And what these sanctions do? Ultimately only Russian citizens will suffer. Putin has billions of dollars and support of Oligarch Lobby. He dosen't care even if Russian currency goes to hell! 

✒️ ..Ultimately China with these anti-west allies will work on de-dollarisation of world economy and replacing Dollar with its own currency Chinese Yuan. It will lead to the decline of economic hegemony of America and the US sanctions will not be anything more than a roadside poster. 


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