Why Pax-Americana is better than Pax-Sinica?


The new world order

Pax-Americana was a rules based international order that was formulated and established by the USA to shape the global order in accordance with its own values and fulfil its national interests. In the retrospect the US has, indeed, invaded many countries, pushing them into turmoil, and nullified the international law and order. It all happened in the name of, so called, Liberation, Human rights, Global security, etc. But these are the things of the past. In the contemporary era the US would not dare to do all that again! It is because now world has an economic alternative of US i.e., China.


However, Pax-Sinica will be completely different. Analysing the historical facts and documents we can surely say that Pax-Sinica is, definitely, not going to be a rules based international order. China do not accept the historical facts or signed treaties; it just paves out its way to annex the external territory.

eg. China accepts its own historical claims over Tibet but do accept the 'Simla Agreement' of 1914 under which the British empire took control of Arunachal Pradesh from Tibet and made it an integral part of India. #Chinese_hypocrisy

 Also, if there is no dispute over a piece of land, China will create one! .. The endless and ruthless hunger for expansion in China has the potential to start a major conflict in Asia. 

FACT: China has geographical borders with 14 sovereign states but has border dispute with 18 foreign states.

No doubt China followed the advice of Deng Xiaoping very sincerely. They never challenged the US until they had the economic and naval superiority over others in the region. Today China is posing a threat to the US Hegemony once again like Soviet Union (also USSR) did during the cold war era but we should definitely not be mistaken to consider China a USSR 2.0.


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